postnatal exercise

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is a secretive, not often talked about thing.  And yet last week every single day I ended up speaking with people about their prolapse so it just seemed destined that that is what I would write about today!

Prolapse is the descent of one or more internal organs that then push into the vaginal wall.  There are different stages – mild, moderate to extending outside the body.  There are many symptoms, many of which could be attributed to other ailments.
  • Urinary incontin…

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The Knack - pelvic floor health

Do you sneeze wee? You need the Knack! Do you sneeze wee? You need the Knack!

I was listening to an interview with acclaimed women's health physiotherapist Michelle Lyons last week and was surprised to learn that going from seated to standing puts more pressure through the pelvic floor than lifting a 20lb weight! Bearing down on the pelvic floor that many times throughout a day could lead to, or worsen, pelvic floor disorders - such as incontinence and prolapse.

I have been working on correct standing technique with my pregnancy class…

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when can I return to exercise after having a baby?

With the rise of the yummy mummy and celebrities pinging back into their size 0 figures with seemingly little effort, there is immense pressure on the modern mum to follow suit.  Some will take drastic measures with their diet and some will try to fit straight back into their exercise routine.  That may have been suitable pre-pregnancy but is it now?  When is it ok to return to exercise after having a baby and what type of exercise is most appropriate?

There are a number of issues to consider wh…

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