I got trolled
I've been posting a lot on Facebook recently as I'm trying to raise my profile a bit
And it's obviously working as I'm reaching more people
But with that come people who aren't really a good fit for what I do
This meant that last week I got trolled on one of my videos
It was just a simple video - showing hip circles as a way to ease out your back and hips after sitting for a while
So nothing massively fitness about it and nothing controversial
But this bloke said that if I lost some fat t…
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Solutions
It's been a while since my first blog about prolapse and a few things have changed since then. So I thought I'd do a couple of updates
There are two ways you can look at helping with POP symptoms - what can you do to prevent things getting worse and what can you do to make things better.
So first we'll look at preventing things getting worse
One of the key things with this is looking at intra abdominal pressure (IAP)
IAP is the pressure within the abdominal cavity and is reliant on the flui…
What is the best exercise for a prolapse?
I was asked a few weeks ago for the top exercises someone could do to help a prolapse.
My answers were:
- It depends
- Hypopressives
The thing with prolapse is that it can happen because of so many factors and it's not just about strengthening the pelvic floor.
And even just pelvic floor strength isn't that simple.
The pelvic floor is made up of layers of muscle, going in a variety of directions.
It has links with muscles inside the pelvis and outside the pelvis.
It has connections all…
Pelvic Floor Exercises Mistakes - and how to do it right
Myth #1 - Leaking is inevitable after childbirth, menopause and as you age
But just because it’s common, that doesn’t mean you have to put up with it!
You are the sun
In my personal life I’m doing the same.
At the beginning of the year I was in New Zealand having the time of my life. I was the happiest I’ve been in a long time. Because of this I brought home a lot of the habits I started there. As a family we were happier too. So I decided I should put more effort into time out …With Love on Mother's Day
And even then I seemed to be doing it all wrong. In a world of Gina Ford I had no routine, I was feeding to sleep, m…
How you can help your pelvic floor
However taking your time, …
Is postnatal exercise just for YOU?
But in addition to mums deserving to do something that benefits them, I also see so much benefit to the babies comi…
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